Cool story and one that I thought I would share with you. While in our weekly 1 on 1 conversations that we have, we were talking about expectations and relating to our employees. Fred, a new supervisor shared with me how he had taken things from each supervisor he had had over the years. However the best thing that has helped him was what he seen from you in the past and the three weeks you were here. The outgoing personality with coaching and explaining why certain things were done a certain way. It has helped him get the most out of his crews. That it has showed him that it doesn’t always have to be negative when it comes to coaching and teaching. He said that what he took from you being here is “ Dereck had the same positive attitude and positive coaching with everybody. It didn’t matter if they had been here 20 years, or this was their first week. Just wanted you to know you did have an effect on Fred in a very positive way. Great Job! I appreciate all the time you put into this and look forward to the next time you can come to our plant.